23 October, 2024

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If we look at the educational system of Jamia Ashrafia, we come to know that here primacy is given to quality rather than quantity. Ashrafia aims to preserve and expand the Islamic tradition of knowledge, making it more vibrant and accessible to a large number of students across the country and abroad .


New students seeking admission to the Madarsa are selected on the basis of their results in the qualifying entrace test.



There are may departments in Ashrafia. Mufti Shareeful Haque Darul Ifta is one of them, hundreds of questions about



From the very beginning, Ashrafia has been procuring the students with Prescribed text books. There is a rich collection of

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Ashrafia School

Ashrafia Girls High School administered by the Society of Darul Uloom Ahle Sunnat Madarsa Ashrafia Misbahul Ulomm.

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Aljamiatul Ashrafia at a glance

Aljamiatul Ashrafia is the leading academic and charitable religious educational institution located at Mubarakpur in the famous district of U.P. Azamgarh in India. The degree holders of this institution are performing teaching, organizational and preaching works in different cities of India as well in foreign countries such as Canada, USA, UK, Africa and UAE etc. Y

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